How can the factors that lead to high blood pressure be minimized?

The number of hypertensives worldwide has doubled in the last 30 years. This is detailed in a study published in the British magazine The Lancet. In the same article, Colombia is credited with reducing the growth of this pathology. Specialists give advice for living with this health condition and minimizing development factors.

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How to care for facial skin after 30: steps, rules, tips

About a woman who has reached the age of 30, we confidently say that she is in the prime of her beauty and strength. However, it is possible that her skin (depending on the type) is already entering a period of aging. Gradually it begins to lose elasticity, which causes the formation of wrinkles. This process is accelerated by unfavorable ecology, stress and work. All this negatively affects the color of the skin, making it duller, and also contributes to the formation of dark circles and puffiness in the area under the eyes.

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Cream exfoliant: what is it, what is it for, how to use it?

Due to the influence of various internal and external factors, the skin can become dull, acquire a painful shade, and become covered with small defects. To correct the situation safely and quickly allows the exfoliant cream. It cleanses the skin, freeing it from keratinized particles. In its action, the exfoliant is similar to peeling, only unlike it, such a cream does not damage, but breaks down dead cells as delicately as possible. Even one application allows you to get rid of minor defects and give the skin a healthy look.

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What do you do first: makeup or hair? Evening make-up and hairstyle

Preparing for any celebration, be it a birthday, corporate party, wedding (your own or a loved one), is always stressful for a woman. Contrary to popular male belief, girls dress quickly. Any woman who has chosen an outfit in advance is able to put on underwear, tights and a dress in a matter of minutes.

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9 razones por las que los plátanos son dañinos para perder peso - un mito

Las dietas para bajar de peso incluyen tradicionalmente frutas y verduras. Sin embargo, muchos de los que quieren perder kilos de más intentan no comer plátanos, ya que contienen carbohidratos y azúcar. De hecho, los nutricionistas están seguros de que son los plátanos los que ayudan a perder peso. Al mismo tiempo, dan varios argumentos a favor de su creencia.

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Creamy foundations and waterproof mascara. Wedding make-up guidelines for 2023

Preparing for a wedding is an exciting and demanding period. Every detail must be carefully thought out. This also applies to make-up. Experienced make-up artists share information on wedding trends and some of the tricks needed when applying make-up.

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Model tests: examples, model snaps, professional photo session

When applying for a job, a person provides his future boss with his resume. It describes the knowledge of the applicant, which he received in the process of studying at the university, his experience in previous places of employment and personal qualities that allow him to perform his work creatively or uniquely.

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Choose a darker outfit and no transparent clothes: how to make a “shock” profile photo

Do you think it's time to change your profile picture? What if you want a great photo but don't know how? Even if you don't know a professional photographer, your friends can take pictures of you the way you want. All you have to do is pay attention to some essential details.

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A fragrance that cannot be overlooked: to choose the most persistent perfume, you can focus on concentration

There are certain qualities that make one fragrance last longer on the skin than another. Among them are scientific factors: composition, percentage of aromatic oil and evaporation rate. However, a lot depends on your taste. To choose a truly long-lasting perfume, it is best to take a mixed approach based on facts and feelings. We offer you a three-step guide.

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Psicología positiva de la cocina: cocinar la cena puede darte una sensación de satisfacción

¿Alguna vez has pensado en el efecto que tiene la comida en tu personalidad? Anteriormente, los psicólogos rara vez realizaban investigaciones sobre este tema: en la mayoría de los casos, se centraban en los aspectos negativos del apetito, como el hambre, la sobrealimentación y los trastornos alimentarios.

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Women's workout clothes: what you need to know before buying

During the quarantine period, many are working at home. If you are exercising in front of a mirror, then a shape that fits your figure and fixes your body well will allow you to track all the nuances of the exercise technique and quickly correct the position if necessary.

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Dried cilantro: use in cooking and healing the body

What is cilantro? Dried cilantro and its seeds, what are they called? How is this plant used in cooking and is it good for the body? Our article on cilantro will answer these and some other questions.

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